Monday, February 24, 2014

Need Some Extra Cash on the Side?

TaskRabbit is a newer site that offers many services through its app, such as cleaning, delivery, data entry, moving help, etc. If you're like me and get bored easy, you may want to think of becoming a Taskrabbit. It's also a great way to network. Becoming a taskrabbit is just have to fill out the info and pass a background check. Then create a profile and start bidding on work. Some "tasks" are to be bid on and others are called "Quick Assign" which pretty much means, that someone already knows what they want to pay you for the work, so it's kinda like "first come, first serve." As you work more tasks, you reach higher levels through their point system.

The only downside I have experienced through TaskRabbit is that they take a percentage of your pay for pretty much being the "middle man"...although they can't touch your tips, if someone wants to tip you for doing an amazing job (a nice loophole). It also seems to take more than the 2 days they say it will take to be paid (my experience is generally 4 to 5 days on average).

All in all, I give Taskrabbit a thumbs up. Go ahead and give it a go...make some extra cash and have fun while you're at it. Wanna share your experience? Let me know how it goes for you...I'm always interested.

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